Sunday, 30 June 2013

Cool news

Hey the other day a man from the education place can to see if i was doing ok with all the work and he said...... Im doing fine and I dont need to go back to school!!:) He was really nice to!!:) here is a picture of how happy I was!!!:):):):)


Hey the other day me and my mum went and got a yonanas and that is a raw and pure ice cream maker and It is the best and nicest ive cream ive ever had we had banana and strawberry!!!!!!!:):):):) heres some pictures to show you!!!:):):):)
The book for it!!!!:):):)

The best ice cream ever!!!:):):):):)

Where I've been!:):)

Hey guys i would just like to tell you all about what i've done and where i've been this week so first I went to the new museum in Barnsley and that was BRILL and I got to know loads of stuff!!!!:):) Then I went to Skipton to see a blogger called Attic 24 and she does all diffrent types of Crochet and it all look great!!!:):) then today i've been to white rose center with my mum, sister, poppy and lola. I got some shorts shoes and a top and im wereing them now as im writing this!!!:) so now here are some pictures to show you!!!!!!!:)
Barnsley museums!!


New shoes
New top

And thats all the pictures thanks for looking!!!:)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Hello my bloggers this week ive got something to show you so read get ready to read,:) Last week i did a flute exam for grade 2 and passed and did really well so i was really happy and ive got sone pictures to show my flute and the things i got for it so these are the pictures!!!:):):)):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Some things I've done these couple of weeks

Hello my fellow bloggers im going to show you all of the things ive done these couple of weeks, well ive passed a grade 2 flute and passed really well, ive bought my mum some flowers because she was ill. And ive been drawing alot and ive beento the DEEP and MAGNA and THE YORKSHIRE PARK!!!:)
And they were all great, so im going to show you alot of pictures to show all the cool stuff so here we GOOOOOOOooooooooo
The deep
The yorkshire sculpture park

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Everything since march

Hey my felow bloggers im going to show you all all the work ive done since i was home schooled , well all the work i took pictures of!!:-)

So here we GOOO
There and theres lots more!!!!!:):):):):) see you next time bloggers

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

My sunset

Just done a sunset picture with tisue and look great woooohoooooooo!!!:)

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Food I made!!!!!:)

Hey guys i thought i sould show you some things ive been making!!!! Yummy ;)
I just love peppers
Home made dried tomartoes
Home made ice tea!!!!!;)
Rubys raw chocs!!!:)
Grilled pineapple and coconut suger!!!!:)
Home made gazpacho!!!!:):)


Hello, im really sorry ive not bloged. Anyway lets get on, my last post was about my wall work and all it is, if you have loads of work you would like people to look at you just stick it on the wall so here ar some cool pictures mabe of work or just of random stuff!!!:)
Im doing egypt if you have so cool stuff you know tell me!!!!;)
Love heart potato
My middel name on coca!!
This is AMAZING!!!!!!!:):):)