Monday, 13 January 2014

Our walk today in Cannon Hall!!:):)

Hello my fellow blogers, this morning I have been on a walk to Cannon Hall with mum and the dog, it took us around half an hour to walk all the way round and we had a very pleasant wander.

All the way round me and mum were takeing pictures and laughing at the dog. Our dog is not terrified of water but he won't touch a drop, there is a place in Cannon Hall called the fairy garden which is a lovely little area in the summer and winter. In the summer the ducks and their babys come and have a swim,in the winter its frosty and the grass has the sound of a loud CRUNCH to it when you stand on it.

On the way back we saw a Heron in a field, it was AMAZING however I could not get close enough so I found a picture online. Then we have come back for lunch and a cup of tea before we go out again for a bike ride!!:):):):)

Now for pictures!!:):)

Thanks for reading!!!:):):):):)x

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