Sunday, 12 January 2014

Our walk today!!:):)

Hello my fellow blogers, today I have been on a walk to newmilldam with Elliott Mum and and the dog. It took us about 1 hour to walk all the way round, me and Elliott played in the leaves and every time we talked near the lake he told me he was going to push me in hahhahahahaah!!!!!!!:):):)

I got some great pictures of us all and the woods. I had a really nice walk however it was freezing but we had laugh. Then tonight we have been to Emma's house for a meeting about what we are going to do in the future for me and evie and everybody has taken on bored what everyone has said, so hopeing things go great for us two.!!

Now I'll show you some picture of the walk hope you enjoy!!!:):):)
This is a really cool bench that you come across on your walk!!!:):):)
A close up
Me about to fall falt on my face!!!!:):):):)
Elliott play in the woods!!!:):):)
Me and Elliott!!!:):)
Oh and this is my wonderful mum!!!:):):)

Thanks for reading!!!!:):):):)

1 comment:

  1. I think we all had some brilliant ideas for projects etc for the coming months xx


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